About our new service
After being both a doula and a first aid instructor for the past two decades, I’m excited to share my brand new support service with you!
Our Prepared Parent Safety Support Packages are a unique service where I bring both of my expert skill sets together to give families support and confidence throughout pregnancy and postpartum, and all the way up to starting solid foods, keeping their little ones safe in their car seat and babyproofing their homes.
With any new service, people often don’t initially understand exactly what is offered or what they would get from it. To help you understand how my support can look for different clients, here are a couple of in-home visit schedules that I have created for real clients.
- In addition to the visits, each client has access to me by email for 9-12 months.
- Client #2 has chosen a package where they also have lifetime access to our entire catalogue of online courses.
Client 1: Essential Package + additional visit
Client #1 hired me during the second trimester of pregnancy.
In addition to my services, she also has a birth doula to support her during her labour and birth, and is registered for a group prenatal class. When we first began chatting, she did not have a birth doula or a prenatal class (but wanted both of these things), and I helped her get set up with that as well.
Before birth:
- Visit 1 (second trimester): baby gear planning, diapering and feeding (this is related to baby gear planning), building your support village
- Visit 2 (third trimester): car seat installation, filling in any gaps after your prenatal class regarding birth, postpartum, comfort measures, and newborn feeding, utilizing the best resources for end of pregnancy comfort.
- Visit 3 (36-ish weeks pregnant): CPR, choking, injury prevention for the whole care team (anyone who might look after your baby is welcome to join).
After the birth:
- Visit 4 (in the first weeks after birth): Safe sleep, baby wearing, anticipating future milestones and mitigating home hazards
- Visit 5 (around 4 – 5 months): Preparing for solid foods and mobility, assessing baby-proofing and future gear needs
Client 2: The Works Package
- Visit 1 (right away):
- Private 2 hour Infant/Child CPR, Choking, Injury Prevention workshop for all the caregivers
- Visit 2 (shortly after or combined with the first visit):
- Car seat check,
- travelling with your baby, discussing upcoming developmental leaps and changes, safe baby wearing options for a baby with good head control
- Visit 3 (when baby is 4.5 – 5 months old):
- Home Safety Consult and future gear purchases as your baby grows
- Includes tour of your home so I can take pictures of areas and then send specific recommendations by email for clarity and time efficiency
- Home Safety Consult and future gear purchases as your baby grows
- Visit 4 (when baby is 5 – 5.5 months old):
- Preparing for starting solid foods and early mobility, putting together a first aid kit, awareness of common medical conditions
- Visit 5 (when baby is 6 – 7 months old):
- Moving up to the next car seat, getting ready for walking and climbing, and first aid tips (now that your baby will be able to access more and grab at more things).
Our Prepared Parents Safety Support Packages are all-inclusive, and tailored to fit each individual family’s needs. We go above and beyond other educational services by having an expanded scope of expertise, one-to-one home visits, and providing email and resource support throughout the experience. Visits are time efficient and include follow-up emails, so that we can cover as many topics as possible at the visit, saving time to go into more depth as it is needed in the days and weeks after.

After two decades in the baby world, I have a wealth of birth and postpartum resources up my sleeve. If clients are looking for anything in particular, I’m always happy to send a follow up email with the practitioners, services, and products they are looking for. However, I don’t give medical advice and years of supporting clients have given me the wisdom to know when something is better asked of your medical care provider.
If you are interested in learning more or you are wondering if this is the right service for you, I invite you to reach out for a free 15-min phone consult.